Polygon tool adobe photoshop 2017
Polygon tool adobe photoshop 2017

Double-click the Polygon tool in the Tools panel to open its options dialog box. Here’s another way to get a triangle (this one even works way back in InDesign CS!): Use the Polygon tool (which is hiding under the normal frame tools). To get an equilateral triangle, start off with a square or circle before converting. When you do this, you typically get an isosceles triangle (where only two sides are the same length). Yes, that’s yet another menu item that most users don’t even see, no matter how long they’ve been using the program. Instead of drawing with a “triangle tool,” just draw out any shape (even just an open path) on your page and choose Object > Convert Shape > Triangle. But what about triangles? I often find myself in need of an equilateral triangle (where all sides are the same length), but InDesign doesn’t have a triangle tool. Sure, you can make a perfect rectangle or elipse with one of several tools in InDesign (or hold down the Shift key while you drag to make it a perfect square or circle).

Polygon tool adobe photoshop 2017